

I have launched into a line of pillows that can be purchased here on my website in the shop or at my studio on James Street North!  They are 18 by 18 inches, made in Canada, down or polyester filled and the images are taken from my original paintings! Each pillow costs only $60! I hope you love them as much as I do!

2023-05-17T15:18:06-04:00May 8, 2017|Animals, Cows, Florals, Painting, Uncategorized|


Some times I am asked what my technique entails.  I thought I would walk you through the stages of a painting! Stage one is the preparation of a canvas.  I usually paint the canvas red, although you could use any colour. I then draw on with chalk my image and then "ink" it in with a paynes grey or purple paint. Stage two is colour blocking.  I start to fill in the positive, or "foreground" [...]

2023-05-17T15:17:23-04:00May 4, 2012|Featured, Painting, The Work, Uncategorized|
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