Joy In Colour

F E A T U R E D    O N

All artwork available as originals, embellished prints, canvas prints, posters, and more!

All artwork available in originals, prints, and embellished prints!


In Studio & Gallery

Most days, Julia can be found at her studio, currently located inside “Doug’s Garage” on her property in Hamilton, Ontario. Please come visit (by appointment, to ensure that Julia is there!)

Most days, Julia can be found at her studio in Hamilton, Ontario. Please visit by appointment, to ensure that Julia is there!


Helping Artists Thrive

Through various projects in the arts, Julia is helping artists thrive & grow.

Square Foot Show

Fast and fun virtual art shows.

Crown & Press

Gallery & Cafe in Hamilton


Turn your passion into a thriving career.

Living Artfully

I’ve launched my own Youtube channel, with helpful tips for artists and art-lovers alike (and a healthy dose of gardening while we’re at it!). Subscribe and come along for the ride!

About Julia

Julia Veenstra is a Canadian artist and entrepreneur known for her use of vibrant color and impressionistic style. Having lived in different countries, Julia’s work incorporates diverse influences and can be found in collections worldwide. Her focus is on capturing the landscapes of her native Canada and creating art that evokes a sense of comfort and security. As an entrepreneur, she has made a significant impact through initiatives like the Square Foot Show, Artlabel, and her new gallery, Crown and Press.

Julia Veenstra is a Canadian artist and entrepreneur known for her use of vibrant color and impressionistic style, incorporating diverse influences from years lived abroad. Her focus is on capturing the landscapes of her native Canada and creating art that evokes a sense of comfort and security.